Create Goodwill with your Clients.
Your clients already know that you have their best interests in mind. By referring your clients to Mellor and Associates to file their ERC, you can build upon that trust as you help them receive as much available financial assistance as possible.
Earn Passive Income.
When circumstances allow, Mellor and Associates is happy to pay referral fees for each qualifying and engaging company referred to them by their Referral Partners.In many cases, after initial contact is made, nothing more is required by the Referral Partner. You can sit back and relax knowing your clients are in good hands!
MPLLC has a 5-Star Rating.
We know how important client relationships are. Our very jobs depend on it! When you refer clients to Mellor and Associates, you can rest assured that we are treating your clients with the utmost respect. We treat them as our own!
Expertise you can trust.
Mellor and Associates is an established audit firm that has been around for over 10 years! We have developed a team of experts dedicated to calculating and filing ERCs for a variety of businesses. Our audit background ensures thoroughness and accuracy in each engagement we complete.
Initially, the CARES Act did not allow companies to get both PPP and ERC. However, that has since changed under section 206(c) of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act.
We have helped hundreds of clients with the ERC process and are currently in the process of working with hundreds more to determine eligibility and file for refunds. Mellor and Associates has over 12 years of experience in audit, tax, accounting, and forensic accounting.
• Those with fewer than 200 employees
• Those receiving 2 PPP loans
• And/or who have had an overall decline in the number of employees since 2019
Nearly all qualified clients referred to us by our partners engage our firm to complete the necessary filings to claim the credit. This is in part due to our reputation – but is also reflective of the trust they have in you!
While we have helped businesses qualify in just about every possible way, the most common way businesses qualify is due to a decline in revenues.
No. Unlike the PPP program, this is a tax credit claimed through original and amended quarterly federal payroll tax returns (941, 941x). There is also no “economic necessity” required nor does a client have to prove the declines in revenue were caused by COVID-19.
“Immaterial” to “minimal”. In most cases, after contact is made, most, if not all, of the work can be done by MPLLC. As a referral partner, you can be involved as much or as little as you’d like.
Yes. We have been around for over 10 years – and plan to be around for the indefinite future. We are still completing audits and reviews and helping businesses with a wide variety of other accounting needs. Our firm currently has a 5-star rating, and we are working hard to maintain that reputation – particularly as we work with clients nationwide.
Recover Startup Businesses use the same process that’s mentioned in the previous question to calculate the amount of qualifying wages they have. The difference is that their refund is limited to a maximum of $50,000 in Q3 and Q4 of 2021, so these businesses can get a maximum of $100,000 in ERC refunds.
Yes – we don’t charge any fees to help clients determine if they qualify and we don’t pressure qualifying clients to engage. We are also happy to give clients a “second opinion” if they’ve started the process with another provider to ensure they fully understand their qualifying amounts and fee options.
Usually within 2 or 3 weeks.
There is a chance that refunds could take up to 9 to 12 months. However, the clients we have helped in 2022 have been seeing their refunds come in between 3.5 and 5.5 months from filing.
Yes! We are happy to visit with your firm, without cost or obligation, to help you better understand the Employee Retention Credit.
You can do any of the following:
• Call our Referral Partner number at 385-446-4869
• Email us at
• Submit the webform at the top of this page.