Earn with Our ERC Referral Program in Utah

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Talk to Us

Why Should You Become a Referral Partner with MPLLC?

Create Goodwill with your Clients.

Your clients already know that you have their best interests in mind. By referring your clients to Mellor and Associates to file their ERC, you can build upon that trust as you help them receive as much available financial assistance as possible.

Give your clients the best ERC support possible

Earn Passive Income.

When circumstances allow, Mellor and Associates is happy to pay referral fees for each qualifying and engaging company referred to them by their Referral Partners.In many cases, after initial contact is made, nothing more is required by the Referral Partner. You can sit back and relax knowing your clients are in good hands!

MPLLC has a 5-Star Rating.

We know how important client relationships are. Our very jobs depend on it! When you refer clients to Mellor and Associates, you can rest assured that we are treating your clients with the utmost respect. We treat them as our own!

Expertise you can trust.

Mellor and Associates is an established audit firm that has been around for over 10 years! We have developed a team of experts dedicated to calculating and filing ERCs for a variety of businesses. Our audit background ensures thoroughness and accuracy in each engagement we complete.


I thought clients that received one or more PPP loans weren’t eligible for Employee Retention Credits?
What is your experience helping clients with the Employee Retention Credits (ERC)?
What companies are most likely to qualify?
What percentage of referred clients engage MPLLC to perform the services?
What is the most common way a business tends to qualify?
Is there an application and “forgiveness” process?
How much work will this be for me?
Will your firm be around in 10 years? Can my clients trust you to help them?
How much money can a Recovery Startup Business get for ERC?
Is the evaluation process free?
How long will it take for MPLLC to complete the filings once the client signs an engagement letter?
After the filings have been mailed to the IRS, how long will it take for my clients to receive a check?
I’m doing ERC services already for my clients – but I have some questions. 
Can I call you?
I'm interested in becoming a referral partner - what are the next steps?

Talk to us

Call now to discuss the our ERC partner program: 385-276-0506